Therefore roots for bravery and truth are together in same man or woman.
is not a common virtue: it is owned by fierce people and often has something to share with truth.
You cannot be courageous by hiding, you cannot tell the truth by hiding as well.
Therefore roots for bravery and truth are together in same man or woman.
Therefore roots for bravery and truth are together in same man or woman.
La frase del giorno: le tasse sono bellissime...
ha detto il nostro ministro delle finanze.
Evidentemente non gli rimangono altri piaceri.
Evidentemente non gli rimangono altri piaceri.
E' lunedì
"Vivere è la cosa più rara del mondo. La maggior parte della gente esiste, e nulla più"
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
condivido con te, cara amica....
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
condivido con te, cara amica....

I came to the idea of building up my web blog, after seeing the role played by Burma supporters blogs.
Desperate windows of help and information on a starving country under a dictatorship.
My respect and my support to those were killed in name of personal freedom and to those who went to exile abroad!
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